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Computer Training: Computer Basics

  • 6 Steps
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Our General Computer Basics in the Computer Training discusses a very frustrating subject for many who have experienced it….the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, aka BSOD. Yes, we are digging into Critical Windows errors. What do they look like? What do they mean? What do you do? At SST, we don’t fear the mighty BSOD, sometimes we are actually happy to see it. You might be thinking….What? Are you Seriously Stupid or something? No, actually sometimes the Blue Screen actually answers a mystery, something maybe you have been troubled by but never really knew what the problem was. Well, that information given to you on the Blue Screen is actually quite important. It’s the hidden code so to speak for figuring out some computer issues. Sometimes the BSOD arrives on a perfectly running computer, and this is the first clue that there was even a storm brewing. In any case, when you get one of these beautifully colored error screens, you know it's time to give your friends at SST a call. But wait, we are going to go over a few tips and tricks about these blue screens, and just maybe the next time you see one, you’ll remember exactly what to do. We discuss safely removing USB-connected devices and why it's important. We are also going to get into a whole bunch of other FAQs.



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