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Beneficial For: Energy Enhancement, multidimensional cellular memory healing, efficient receptor for programming, enhancing muscle testing, cleansing and enhancing the organs, protecting against radiation, immune system, bringing the body into balance, soothing burns. A master healer for any condition.

Clear Quartz (1 pc)


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  • Clear Quartz

    • These stones are all natural in color and have been tumbled polished.
    • The average size of these crystals are between 0.5 to 1 inches
    • The photos are representative of the stones you will receive.


    Crystal System: Hexagonal

    Hardness: 7

    Chakra: Etheric, Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root, Earth Star

    Number: 4

    Planet: Sun, Moon

    Beneficial For: Energy Enhancement, multidimensional cellular memory healing, the efficient receptor for programming, enhancing muscle testing, cleansing and enhancing the organs, protecting against radiation, immune system, bringing the body into balance, soothing burns. A master healer for any condition.


    Although the Greeks called Quartz krystallos, meaning "ice", the name may be Germanic in origin. Prized for millennia as a worker of magic and potent shamanic tool, Native Americans call it the brain cells of Grandmother Earth. Containing every color, Clear Quartz works on multidimensional levels of being. Generating electromagnetism and dispelling static electricity, it is an extremely powerful healing and energy amplifier. Absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy, a Quartz crystal, when held, doubles your biomagnetic field, and acupuncture needles coated in Quartz increase efficacy by 10 percent. Working at a vibrational level attuned to the specific requirements of the user, Quartz takes energy to the most perfect state possible, before the disease sets in, acting as a deep soul cleanser, and connecting the physical dimension with the mind.


    Working like a cosmic computer, Quartz stores information and has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds. It enhances metaphysical abilities and attunes to spiritual purpose.


    This stone is found in many shapes and formations, all of which share generic properties but also have specific, and unique, properties. Quartz points and formations have deeply significant shapes according to how fast they formed.

    Source Material: The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall


    Science & Origin of Quartz

    Quartz is an igneous rock composed of oxygen and silicon atoms that crystallize around magma or hydrothermal vents. It is the most abundant mineral on planet earth and can be found in the form of points, masses, grains, prisms, and even threaded. This mineral is also one of the very few on earth that can appear in a twinning structure (Japan Law Quartz). Quartz was first recorded in 300 B.C. by Theophrastus and was given the name κρύσταλλος or kristallos. The origin comes from the word “ice” signifying the ancient belief that Quartz was encapsulated in ice. Nicolas Steno discovered in the 17th century that no matter the size or shape, Quartz will always meet at a 60-degree angle. It can be found in every country on earth with important commercial deposits appearing in Brazil, China, South Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Canada, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Russia.


    Macro Vs Crypto Crystalline

    Quartz can appear in two forms and the sub-minerals they are classified as are some of the most popular in the world. Macrocrystalline Quartz is defined as being within any granular structure within another rock matrix or a large crystal structure. Examples of these would be Rose Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Quartz, Amethyst, Aventurine, , and Tiger Eye. Cryptocrystalline Quartz (also known as Chalcedony) is a group of smaller, more compact aggregates of Quartz. Examples of these stones would be Carnelian, Chrysoprase, , Bloodstone, Jasper, and Flint.


    Quartz Colored Varieties

    Due to the number of varieties of Quartz, the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) has broken down this process into two classifications. The first is Quartz colored by minor elements built into the crystal body (also known as lattice). The second is colored by inclusions of minerals or fluids while the Quartz is growing. The former consists of Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, and . Examples of Quartz colored by inclusions during their formation are Blue Quartz, Rose Quartz, Enhydro Quartz, and Green Quartz. All of these varieties of Quartz maintain the same hardness of a 7, making it perfect to cut, polish, shape, and form.


    Quartz In The Community

    Although impurities occur in every other mineral, Quartz inclusions are highly sought after by mineral collectors around the world. When it comes to Quartz varieties, the specific localities in which they came from are sometimes more important than the inclusions themselves. Metaphysical users have come to love the different species of Quartz and have been capable of extracting the healing energies this wonderous stone offers. Notable varieties of Quartz used in the spiritual communities include Rutile in Quartz, Chloride Quartz, Faden Quartz, , Dumortierite, and Mango Quartz.


    Meaning & Energy

    We can truly say that Quartz has been an evolutionary, energetical, and societal building block. It is everywhere around us; in our cellphones, medical technology, clocks, and concrete. Spiritually, Quartz has been used in almost every society and is highly regarded as a super-frequency stone, commonly adorning the tops of pyramids. It is an essential tool to keep our culture running and helps us advance to not only higher levels of technology, but higher levels of consciousness.


    Quartz is the strongest enhancing stone in the mineral kingdom and helps reignite our true identity while showing us the path toward enlightenment. Its clear energy acts as an amplifier of the vibrations that are put into it, making it an excellent manifestation tool. Its point is frequently displayed at high energetic areas such as the tops of staves, wands, in between crystals in grids, and placed on top of key energy points on the body. When using Quartz, it results in an awakening effect that supercharges the chakra system and dispels the malignant energies within.

    An important note to make about Quartz is how it can often absorb negative vibrations. Quartz is a vacuum cleaner for diluted vibrations that may attach to your aura and become harmful. Whether or not you use the Quartz that you own, it should be cleansed often. Even the piece passively sitting will attract unwanted energy. We recommend cleansing it with either moonlight, an incense tool, or with a water bath.

    Source Material: The Crystal Council


    We recommend consulting with your health professional when concerned about a health-related issue.


    This item has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and makes no claims to cure any illness, disease, or ailment.


    The Seriously Smart Technologies website and Seriously Smart Technologies do not diagnose, treat, or cure any physiological, emotional, neurological, or spiritual conditions. None of the information provided on this site is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling.

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