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Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist in clearing negative energy while aiding in decision-making has made this a favorite stone to work with. Please select color choice using the drop-down menu. Note color choice is only "mostly" your selected color.

Fluorite Tumbled 1 pc

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  • Size: 1 Inch

    Note: Pictures are representational stock photos from the supplier.


    Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist in clearing negative energy while aiding in decision-making has made this a favorite stone to work with.


    Science & Origin of Fluorite

    Fluorite is a calcium crystal that crystallizes in the form of masses, cubic, and octahedral crystals. It was first referenced in 1530 due to its important aid in flux production. It’s a commonly occurring mineral with a majority of veins and deposits in South Africa, China, Mexico, Mongolia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Argentina. Multiple colors have been known to commonly occur on the same specimen and are known to be found near Quartz and Calcite.


    Meaning & Energy

    Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist in the clearing of negative energy and aiding in decision-making has made this a favorite stone to work with. This powerful crystal is known as an absorber of negative energy, specifically within one's aura and mind. Fluorite will allow the mind to flow freely to balance thoughts and ideas. It is highly recommended for people who have trouble navigating life by assisting in helping you make the decisions you truly want. Fluorite is a very important stone to increase confidence, especially when it comes to important decisions that affect your future.


    Fluorite’s energy helps in the activation of your entire chakra column which will lead to the discovery of your true self. Thoughts and ideas that drive us to become a better human can now slowly be transmuted into reality as we radiate our inner light. Fluorite helps awaken the environment in which it is placed, uplifting the space while providing a clear channel of thought.


    Color Variations

    There are several colors of Fluorite, each with its own unique effect on users. This batch of stones is mostly purple and green with some stones including areas of blue and colorless. Since the primary colors available are purple and green those are the variations you can choose using the drop-down menu.

    • Purple Fluorite attunes the mind with higher vibrations and enables the ability to ascend our spirit and consciousness.
    • Blue Fluorite is best known for helping communicate our purest of ideas. It's great for any teacher, speaker, or artist.
    • Colorless Fluorite is an intuitive stone and activator of the third eye, leading to enhanced psychic abilities.
    • Green Fluorite connects our hearts and mind together bringing a balance between emotion and thought.


    Beneficial for: Balance, coordination, self-confidence, shyness, worry, centering, concentration, psychosomatic disease, absorption of nutrients, bronchitis, emphysema, pleurisy, pneumonia, antiviral, infections, teeth, cells, bones, DNA damage, skin and mucus membranes, respiratory tract, colds, flu, sinusitis, ulcers, wounds, adhesions, mobilizing joints, arthritis, rheumatism, spinal injuries, pain relief, shingles, nerve-related pain, blemishes, wrinkles, dental work, libido


    An effective crystal to overcome any form of disorganization. Fluorite draws off negative energies and stress, incorporating structure into daily life. It purifies and reorganizes anything within the physical or subtle bodies that are not in perfect order, and cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It brings stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. Flourite discerns when outside influences are at work and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence. Grounding and integrating spiritual energies, it promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers, making you aware of higher spiritual realities. It dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. An excellent learning aid, it increases concentration and promotes quick thinking and absorption of new information. This stone is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress and, appropriately positioned, blocks geopathic stress.


    We recommend consulting with your health professional when concerned about a health-related issue.


    This item has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and makes no claims to cure any illness, disease, or ailment.


    The Seriously Smart Technologies website and Seriously Smart Technologies Private Membership Association do not diagnose, treat, or cure any physiological, emotional, neurological, or spiritual conditions. None of the information provided on this site is intended to act as a substitute for medical counseling.

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